
UMY Orchestral Music Group Releases First Music Video

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is a university that pays attention to art, especially music. the Sang Surya Philharmonic Orchestra is an esteemed orchestral group from UMY that has been established since 2018. This time, Sang Surya Philharmonic Orchestra made 3 music video, namely Pamer Bojo, Ilir-ilir, and Derap Kemajuan. The song Derap Kemajuan was written by Dr. Haedar Nashir and arranged by Eross Candra, guitarist for band Sheila on 7. The three songs were packaged in the form of a video which will be uploaded to the official UMY Youtube channel, namely UMYogya, with the song Lir-Ilir released today, Saturday (8 / 8).

The idea of making this orchestra originated from the desire of UMY to produce intelligent, wise, and humanitarian students by balancing their right and left brain skills. Through music, the brain’s ability will be honed more quickly. “In principle, science and art are two processes that go hand in hand together. Through balancing the two, someone can be smart and wise,” said UMY Rector, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP, IPM.

From that notion, the Sang Surya Philharmonic Orchestra was formed in 2018. “Then, in 2019, Sang Surya Philharmonic was combined with a choir that performed at the Muhammadiyah Anniversary by singing the song Derap Langkah. The response of the people was very positive because they didn’t know Muhammadiyah cared about art. In Muhammadiyah, art is a method of da’wah that could enter all levels of society,” Gunawan added.

In 2020, the Sang Surya Philharmonic Orchestra was scheduled to perform at the 39th Anniversary of UMY with a flashmob, but due to the pandemic, it shifted to making videos. These videos will later be introduced for the first time to the public. Sang Surya Philharmonic Orchestra presented a unique concept in each song.

Puthut Ardhianto, M.Pd, Show Director of the Sang Surya Philharmonic Orchestra explained some of the concepts that were carried in the making of the three video songs. “The concepts we carried out for each song include the grande and elegant concept for the Derap Langkah song which is used as a song to foster the spirit of Ukhuwah (Brotherhood) Islamiyah and Ukhuwah Muhammadiyah so that they are always enthusiastic about welcoming the Muhammadiyah Congress in 2022. The song Lir-Ilir, represents elements of nature, and culture. The faithful song was chosen because it represented UMY as a green campus with religious beliefs. Then the song Pamer Bojo, is a song made as a tribute to the late Didi Kempot, and also a song that is very popular throughout the public. The concept of Pamer Bojo is to bring stories of campus life that are close to students so that this video has a lot of fun elements,” he said.

With the release of these videos from the Sang Surya Philharmonic Orchestra, hopefully, it can be proven that in the midst of a pandemic, Muhammadiyah continues to work and chooses to rise, giving encouragement for many people to continue working even in a pandemic like this. (dea)

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