
UMY Lecturers Conduct Training in Parental Control on Gadgets to Diminish Pornography Access

Technology development is inevitable and valuable in our daily life. For instance, a cell phone is a main device used by people at various ages to communicate or to get entertainments connected to internet. However, the gadget users, particularly children, should be controlled to evade them from harms in cyberspace, especially dangers of phonography.

Noticing the risks, Ratih Herningtyas, S.IP., M.A and Frizki Yulianti Nurnisa, S.IP., M.Si. provided training in parental control to Pengurus Ranting Aisyiyah (PRA/Aisyiyah Branch Organizers) of Tamantirto Utara to reduce pornography exposure to children. “This is a community partnership program funded by Directorate General for Higher Education (Dikti) and a follow up of the promotion of the dangers of pornography for children which we previously organized,” told Ratih in an interview on Monday (20/8) at Puskom of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).

Ratih informed that the training was addressed to teachers from the PRA of Tamantirto Utara. “The teachers are the ones immediately interacting with children. They are expected to be vanguards to control children to access pornography contents. The control is viral since mothers tend to wish that children were not talkative so that the mothers give a gadget in order to do their activities,” he said.

Frizki added that the control is essential because many applications have bad contents for children. “In android-based gadgets, many games on play store mention that children above three years are allowed to access the games, whereas the games comprise sexual contents which are not decent for the children. If children are addicted to pornography, it is worried that they will do as they watch to their friends,” explained Frizki.

Meanwhile, Head of Taman Kanak-Kanan (Kindergartem) of ABA Godekan Widani, who was also a training participant, declared that the training is beneficial for parents and teachers. “For people who have lack of understanding of gadget facilities, like us, this training provide new knowledge so that we can monitor what our children access,” she expresses.

Besides, the similar training will also be carried out in Bangunjiwo Barat in the end of August 2018.

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