Covid-19 Pandemic did not stop Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) to continue contributing to th surrounding community, one of which was done through the Institute for Research, Publication and Community Service (LP3M). For the first time in history, LP3M UMY held an IT-based Community Service Program (KKN) with its Muhammadiyah Mengajar program. The Community Service Program is an attempt to empower Muhammadiyah schools in Kulon Progo through information technology as a form of UMY’s commitment in the form of service. The implementation of the 2020 Muhammadiyah KKN Teaching Program was simultaneous with the launching of the Muhammadiyah school website on Monday (7/20) through the Zoom application which was attended by 276 students who would be involved in the Muhammadiyah KKN Teaching program and representatives of the Muhammadiyah schools in Kulon Progo.
Dr. H. Agung Danarto, M. Ag., Secretary of the Muhammadiyah Central Board of Directors stated that the devotion carried out by UMY students in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic is a part of Muhammadiyah’s endeavours, the ta’awun (helping each other) movement for the country. “Muhammadiyah has quite the number of schools, and some schools need to be developed with different quality standards. Therefore, it is important to do an even distribution of quality standards for Muhammadiyah schools so that schools do not experience educational disparities. The Muhammadiyah Teaching KKN program is in accordance with the theme of Muhammadiyah’s endeavours this year, namely ta’awun by how to build networking between Muhammadiyah bodies and sub-organizations so that they can be integrated and interconnected to develop education in Muhammadiyah schools,” the Chair of BPH UMY explains.
Meanwhile, Dr. Gunawan Budiyanto,MP.,IPM., the Rector of UMY started the opening ceremony of the Muhammadiyah Teaching KKN Program by stating that this is UMY’s solution for parents and students who need to study from home during this pandemic. “During the Covid-19 pandemic when children were diverted to study at home, the basic needs of students were not fully ready. This includes the provision of a good internet connection, which is a major obstacle to online learning programs. Another problem in online learning is that parents become psychologically wary and burdened because they have to accompany their children, in addition to having to provide for the family. Therefore, from the various problems encountered, the presence of the Muhammadiyah Teaching KKN which was first launched in 2020 is expected to help students and reduce the problems of information technology-based learning and help the students gain experience in managing Muhammadiyah business charities, “he explained.
Muhammadiyah Teaching KKN is the first IT-based KKN in 2020 which is implemented with an online system with 276 KKN participants who will be divided into 35 groups that will accompany 35 Muhammadiyah schools in Kulonprogo. In this program, UMY will also use the Website of the Kulon Progo Regency’s Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership and turn it into a medium of communication, learning information and marketing of the Muhammadiyah school in Kulon Progo. (Sofia)