
UMY Appoints a New Rector

The tenure of the rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) of period 2012 – 2016 will end in December 2016. Who will be the next rector of UMY of period 2016 – 2020, replacing Prof. Dr. Bambang Cipto, M.A. One of the election stages is forming the committee to select rector prospects (balon), to promote the election, to gather and proposals to Commission 4 of Senate of UMY to be verified. After that, the verified documents will be handed over to Regional Mhammadiyah (PWM) of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). From the beginning of September to October 2016, the result will be discusses on a plenum of University Senate and the candidates will be determined. The definite candidates will be announced in the middle of October 2016 by the university senate. Then, the candidate list will be reported to Center of Muhammadiyah (PP) through Dikti Litbang PP Muhammadiyah. PP Muhammadiyah will elect one rector candidate to be the rector of UMY.

Chief of the committee, Trisno Raharjo, S.H., M.Hum. conveyed that the committee functions to accommodate aspiration of lecturers, staffs, student associations dealing with the rector candidates. The aspiration will be reported to the university senate.

“The selection has been held from May to August 2016 by promoting the election to all academicians of UMY and distributing questionnaires of rector prospects. After the data are gathered, the rector prospects will be ranked and put in order alphabetically. The university senate will require consideration of PWM of DIY for the Islamic studies and Kemuhammdiyahan (Muhammadiyah Movement). In October, the candidate names will be sent to PP Muhammadiyah through Dikti Litbang of OO Muhammadiyah, and PP Muhammadiyah will decide will be the next rector of UMY,” Trisno informed in an interview on Friday (12/8).

Trisno told that the university senate has assigned requirements of rector prospects. The requirements are: being a permanent lecturer of UMY, holding doctoral degree, at least being an associate professor, having an experience of being structural officials at UMY for minimum four years and maximum ten years, never getting criminal and administrative sanction, not undergoing criminal and administrative punishment, obeying and implementing Islamic teaching, being physically and mentally healthy, and not more than 65 years old.