
The Press Is Addressed to People

In 2019, a political year, press partisanship is questioned. Political news can divided groups of people.

“We need the press taking sides of public now,” declared Fajar Junaedi, a lecturer of Department of Communication Science of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) in a discussion on Friday (18/1). Fajar, an author of Komunikasi Politik (Political Communication) added that the press must obey ethic codes and law.

Both printed and electronic media as well as cyber can be utilized by political parties to gain votes. News frequently is regarding online one candidate and makes him as a headline. Public often get blurring news.

National Press Day can be a moment, particularly for media, to stand up for public. Rules should no longer create images and justification of a candidate. “Vox populi, vox Dei (voice of the people),” emphasized Fajar.

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