
The KSR PMI UMY UKM Group Received the Ministry of Education and Culture Grant to Carry out Management Production Principles of the Village Chicken Business,

The Village Development and Empowerment Group Holistic Program (PHP2D) UKM Volunteer Corps (KSR) Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) passed the PHP2D program grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) in 2020. The program is a community empowerment activity carried out by students through the Student Activity Unit (UKM) or the Student Executive Board, with the aim of fostering a sense of student care and contributing to the village community so that a fostered village is active, independent, entrepreneurial, and prosperous.

The KSR PMI UMY UKM Group carried a program titled “Economic Development in Bangunjiwo Village through Good Management Production Based Village Chicken Business Development”. The theme was chosen because of its underutilized potential to improve welfare by the community. The location chosen by UKM KSR PMI UMY was located in Bangunjiwo Village, Kasihan, Bantul, DI Yogyakarta which has 1,522 families.

The program was implemented in 2 locations, namely Sambikerep Hamlet and Lemahdadi Hamlet. The two locations were chosen because the majority of the people work as sculpture workers, even though there is a large area of land in the hamlet. The UKM KSR PMI UMY helped to turn the land into areas for chicken coops.

UMY Vice Rector for Student Affairs and AIK, Prof. Hilman Latief Ph.D, also attended the inauguration ceremony for the completion of the village chicken coop in Lemahdadi Hamlet on Saturday (19/9). According to him, this program is very interesting because it is a way of forming good relations between UMY and the community. “This program is very interesting. Hopefully the synergy between the community and the university will continue, “he said.

Zuhud Rozaki, S.P., M.App.Sc, Ph.D. The guiding lecturer of the KSR PMI UKM group encourages students to carry out several programs with the principles of Good Management Production. “The principles of Good Management Production include forming a hatchery, rearing, and feeding groups in Lemahdadi and Sambikerep hamlets. Then, we can build the chicken coops the Muhammadiyah Youth Force (AMM), as well as collaborating with the Anggun Farm 395 group, “he said.

Zuhud, who is also a lecturer at the UMY Agribusiness Study Program, hopes that the UKM KSR PMI UMY group can provide good benefits to the community, with the implementation of this PHP2D. “We hope that the implementation of PHP2D by the UKM KSR PMI UMY group can become a new economic force for the people in the target locations, as well as make the community more prosperous in the future.” he closed. (Hbb)

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