
RDK UMY Provides 100 Foods to Break Fasting for Free Every Day

Ramadhan is well known by Muslims in the world as a blessing month. Thus, Ramadhan is always welcomed warmly and a lot of activities are conducted in mosques. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), one of the Islamic universities, also warmly welcomed Ramadhan. It is displayed by an event namely ‘Ramadhan at Campus’ (RDK) organized by Islamic Study and Implementation Board (LPPI) of UMY. This year various activities of RDK were carried out.

One of the activities is ‘Islamic Study and Breaking Fasting Together’ at ground the mosque of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan UMY, the committee Rizka Maulana stated that the activity has been undertaken from 1 Ramadhan or 18 June to 25 Ramadhan. However, we will recognize the participants. If the participants are a few on 20 June, the activity will end on 20 June because the students usually will have got back to their hometown,” he informed.

Rizka inserted that the committee of RDK provides 100-120 rice packets each day that the fund is from RDK, mosque infaq during tarawih and the committee. The activity is for not only academicians of UMY but also public. Whoever may come this activity,” he continued.

The break fasting will begin by Islamic study at 4.45 pm till maghrib. The study will be delivered by lecturers of UMY as Director of University Residence (Unires) of UMY Ghoffar Ismail. “This year the activity is getting better since the Islamic study last year was delivered by students, but this year the committee invites lecturers and it has been scheduled,” conveyed Rizka who is an alumnus of Islamic Faculty of UMY.

The free breaking fasting got good responses from students. Rizka said that the participants are greater than previous years. “It is because there are evening classes. In last Ramadhan, students had taken UAS and got back to their hometown. Ramadhan now students have not taken UAS yet so that they come to the moaque immediately after having afternoon class,” he explained.

Furthermore, a student of Communication Sciences of batch 22014 Clara Viony told that she broke fasting at the mosque. “I came once when my friends invited me. It is a good activity. Besides getting food for free, I could gain knowledge from the Islamic study,” she said. The other student giving a good response to the RDK activity was from Economics of batch 2014 Zidni Ilmi. “It is great. It is helpful for fasting students living at boarding home” she inserted.

Additionally, the activities of Ramadhan at Campus ((RDK) are writing competition, Khitanan Massal, and Tabligh Akbar conducted before Ramadhan while the activities during Ramadhan are Islamic Study and Breaking Fasting together, as was Breaking Fasting with Orphans on 17 Ramadhan.

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