


Seven Malaysian students associated in Malaysian Islamic Student Association (PKPIM) visited Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Saturday (2/1). Six of them were students of University of Selangor (UNISEL) Malaysian and the other was graduate student of University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Muhammad Khair Bin Sujud, who also acted as the chief of the field trip.

“Today is the 12th day of the field trip to Indonesia. We went to Embassy of Malaysia in Jakarta, we also went to Cirebon and Ponorogo,” Muhammad told. He informed that his friends and he also has meeting with one of Muhammadiyah trustee board. When arriving in Yogyakarta and visiting UMY, the students met Masyhudi Muqorrobin, M.Sc., Ph.D., Akt., an Economics lecturer of UMY who is also active in Islamic Student Association (HMI).

The field trip aimed at finding out the development of Islamic issues in Indonesia, and discussing with Indonesian Islamic figures dealing with the issues. “In commemorating Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, we attended Islamic lecture in Yogyakarta. We would like to recognize Islamic issues in Indonesia,” Muhammad stated.

The seven students were welcomed by Head of Student and Alumni Affairs (LPKA) of UMY, Sugito, S.IP., M.Si. He expected to be able acquaint Muhammadiyah to PKPIM. “I wish that students of UMY and PKPIM could share ideas and discuss one another,” he hoped.

The students, then, discussed Muhammadiyah and roles of UMY as one of the Muhammadiyah-affiliated institutions. They looked enthusiastic about learning Muhammdiyah in Yogyakarta. After the discussion, the students had campus tour at UMY.