
NA May Not Overlook Family Responsibility


Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (NA) Congress XIII was officially open on Friday (26/8) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). Representing governor of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) Hamengku Buwono X, Endang Susilowati, S.H., M.H. stated that Nasyiatul ‘Aisyiyah (NA) is one of the women’s organizations of Muhammadiyah whose members are required to comply with public and domestic responsibility without neglecting their main duties in family.

Endang argued that the theme of the congress, ‘Yong Women’s Movement for Nation Development’, is in line with the development nowadays. Indeed, there are a lot of issues of women, particularly violence against women. The level of public hospitality toward women is low.

“NA has been focusing on women’s movement for 85 years that this organization in religion ideology can show Islamic modern perspectives. Women’s position is no longer lower or upper men, but they are now men’s partners. Indonesian women should think and take actions as their contribution to this nation,” stated Endang, who is law staff of DIY provincial government.

Indonesian women have to be able to make changes, support development, and contribute to cope with women’s issues in this country. “Muhammadiyah respects women and invites them to be partners in developing this nation. However, the essential point is that the women may not overlook their responsibility in family. This NA congress is expected to raise women’s contribution to this nation without disregarding their family responsibility.

Moreover, chairperson of NA, Normasari, conveyed that the NA congress would encourage movement which describes Islam as religion defending the weak. As mentioned in NA lyrics, the main identity of NA is as educated, Islamic, and hard-working female generation of Muhammadiyah.

“One of the challenges of NA is dealing with ASEAN Economic Community. NA is ready to engage in fostering this nation without neglecting their own family,” she inserted.

Additionally, the NA congress was attended by 900 NA participants of 34 regional areas in Indonesia and 2500 supporters. Ministry of Education, Prof. Dr. Muhajir Effendy, and chairperson of Muhammadiyah, Dr. Haedar Nashir, also delivered a remark and officially opened the NA congress.