
MTCC UMY Holds Tobacco Handling Program For Children and Adolescents with MTCC UNMUHA and CIGSS

Muhammadiyah Tobacco Control Center, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (MTCC UMY) also known at Muhammadiyah Steps, collaborated with the Muhammadiyah Tobacco Control Center Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh (MTCC UNMUHA) and held an online Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the Aceh Institute and the Center for Innovative Government and Society Studies (CIGSS). The FGD discussed tobacco control to suppress smoking behaviour in children and adolescents. The activity with the theme “Digging Deeper into the Roles of Policy Stakeholders and Cross-Sector in the Control of Tobacco in Children and Adolescents in Aceh Implementing Islamic Law” was held in Banda Aceh on Saturday (22/8).

Lukman, M.Kes, Head of the Banda Aceh City Health Office, said that smoking has become a habit in society. It is very necessary for multiple organizations to work together, especially in dealing with the problem of smoking in order to continue to oversee the regulations governing smoking-free areas in Banda Aceh. “This activity is carried out with the aim of knowing the condition of smoking behavior in children and adolescents today, as well as to find out the regulation of tobacco control in children through an Islamic perspective which is expected to suppress smoking behavior in children and adolescents,” he explained.

This event presented Vera Nazhira Arifin, Surna Lastri, SE, M.Si, dr. Riza Septiani, M, and dr. Alma Aletta, MPH. as facilitators. This activity was attended by the Head of the Banda Aceh City Health Office, the Provincial Health Office, the Ulama Consultative Council (MPU), the Education Office, Head of Development, Aceh Institute, and other agencies. (Sofia)

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