
Media Literacy: A Solution for Raising Public Awareness of Media Coverage



Mass media are public need to gain a lot of information. Cooperation of media industries takes an essential role to share the information. Nevertheless, public ought to be aware of selecting the information, so-called media literacy. Acting as a speaker of Media and Literature Fair by Student English Activity (SEA) on Friday (12/9), a lecturer of Communication Science of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Firly Annisa, S.IP., M.A. stated, “Media literacy for public is essential since media occasionally post information which is distinctive from the reality so that public seem fooled by the circumstance.”

Public is also expected to have ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate the information from media. “Public may not immediately believe what media tell. They ought to be selective and critical,” she inserted. The critical thinking is beneficial for public so that perception dispute may not occur among them.

However, mass media do not always bring negative impacts for public. It relies on how public utilizes the media. “Media, particularly media, can be a public forum to have transaction or to begin business in several aspects,” she asserted.

Furthermore, a journalist of printed media Fathor Rahman M.D., S.Sos. conveyed that information from mass media turning into negative or positive hinges on how public receive and interpret the message. Mass media particularly printed media, in fact, can enhance public reading level like students so that their critical thinking and analysis can foster. “There should be an association initiated by public to trigger their interest in reading news on mass media so that they will become critical and analytical thinking to improve media mass breaking journalism ethics and bringing bad impacts for public,” he argued.

Chief of Media and Literature division informed that the Media and Literature Fair was a program to invite students to be critical and have deep analytical thinking of issues posted by mass media through both news and literatures. “The fair aimed at raising students’ awareness to love mass media and literatures. The schedule of the event was a talkshow, discussion, book fair, and various entertainments,” she told.

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