
Kampus Kompany Presents Merchandise for KRI 2015


Besides the robot contest, Indonesia Robot Contest (KRI) 2015 also presented expo for participants so that they could buy food and merchandise. The stands in the expo were opened on Friday (12/) to Sunday (14/6). Souvenirs of KRI 2015 could be bought in merchandise stands in front of main gate of the expo. There were clothes of KRI 2015, mugs, and others. It is also provided free stickers of KRI 2015.

The merchandise of KRI was made by ‘Kampus Kompany’ that commonly provides university attributes as clothes, stickers, and others. The home production of Kampus Kompany itself is located in Gatak, Kasihan, Bantul. It bore from the idea of alumni of Economics Department of UMY, Bryansyah Kancana.

The merchandise comprises of polo t-shirts, jackets, bags, mugs, and leather key chain. The price was about 30,000- 190,000. “The clothes cost 80,000-190,000, mugs and key chains cost 30.000, and bags cost 30,000-70,000,” mentioned Bryansyah, the owner of Kampus Kompany. He inserted that most people looked for clothes. “Clothes are more valuable as they could wear it to university because it is polo t-shirt,” he added.

Moreover, there were a lot of visitors came asking the prices of souvenirs and sizes of clothes. “Alhamdulillah, many people have bought here, and today we added the stocks,” told Bryansyah, who was also the facilitator of SAC UMY.

Bryan informed that, if the visitors are willing to order clothes or souvenirs with their own design, they could order via online or call him immediately. Besides attributes of KRI 2015, Bryan also received order of souvenir of UMY. “We have FB fanpage named Kampus Kompany. They might order there,” he conveyed.

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