
HMJ KPI UMY Organizes Journalistic Workshop with Swara Kampus


It is a must for students of Department of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting (KPI) focusing on journalism to study journalistic field deeper. Theories obtained at class would be inadequate if it is not practiced. Thus, Communication and Broadcasting Student Association (HMJ KPI) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) initiated to organize a workshop of journalism handled by the experts.

The journalistic workshop conducted on Sunday (5/4) at Meeting Hall of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) of UMY. HMJ KPI cooperated with Swara Kampus, weekly column of Surat Kabar Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat (a local newspaper) as a speaker of journalistic workshop. It was represented by Krisna Wibowo, Chief of editor, and Agung Wibawanto, a person in charge of Rubrik SwaraKampus (a column in the newspaper). It was an annual event of Journalistic Division of HMJ KPI UMY.

The Chief of Journalistic Division of HMJ KPI UMY as well as the person in charge of the event Halimatus Sa’diyah stated that it aimed at enhancing journalistic knowledge of KPI’s students. “This is an annual event of our division. It is with the purpose of elevating students’ knowledge of journalism in order that they do not only learn theories but also practice,” she told.

Furthermore, Ikram Al Zein, the Chief of HMJ KPI UMY 2014-2015 argued that the journalistic workshop was significant for KPI’s students. They would not only study journalistic theories, but also obtain tricks to write good and valuable news.

“In this workshop, students learn writing in journalistic area from the expert. They do not only learn the theories but also tried to practice the theories. In addition, they would recognize how to arrange orderly and write news. Therefore, the students must be encouraged to write,” asserted Ikram.

In the workshop, Krisna Wibowo and Agung Wibawanto did not only deliver basic theories of journalism but also give several simulations regarding journalism. For instance, they provided workshop participants some data and the participants were required to think about the appropriate tittle and write news.

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