Parents have essential roles in their children’s achievements. Before the children have enrolled at a university, parents of UMY’s freshmen were oriented to students’ university life. The orientation was presented in a “Silaturrahim of Freshmen’s Parents Academic Year 2015/2016 on Saturday (29/8) at Sportorium of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).
In the event, Rector of UMY Prof. Dr. Bambang Cipto, M.A. mentioned students’ achievements. For instance, Engineering Faculty of UMY achieved movement aid design in ASEAN and represented Indonesia in China. Law Faculty students of UMY became representative of Indonesia in a debate competition in Nebraska. “Moreover, in this Sportorium, several huge events were conducted like National Scientific Week (PIMNAS) in 2013, Indonesia Robot Contest (KRI) 2015, and several days ago UMY cooperated with TVRI to organize ABU Robocon 201,” he informed.
Prof. Bambang inserted that UMY entirely encourage the students to have excellent characteristics through research and Islamic characteristic by undertaking Al-Quran reciting program for a year supervised by LPPI (Islamic Study and Practice Board) of UMY.
Besides, in the event, Commissioner of Police of Kasihan District H. Suwandi elucidated security and discipline in the district. He stated that Kasihan is included in top five districts that crime happened. Thus, students are required to always be caution to save their valuables and vehicles. “If undesirable incidents occurred, public or students may call police station center of Kasihan at 110,” he asserted.
Furthermore, Director of Klinik Pratama 24 Jam ‘Firdaus’ of UMY Dr. dr. Arlina Dewi, M.Kes., AAK stated that UMY owns a 24-hour clinic in Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta. “Students sometimes need clinic services in the evening and UMY has Klinik Pratama 24 Jam located in a strategic area since a lot of UMY’s students do not stay near the university,” he affirmed.
She added that Klinik ‘Firdaus’ of UMY accepts patients with Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan). The clinic also provide individual or group counseling services opening at 2-5 pm. The counseling is dealing with quitting of smoking, learning disturbances, and others.
Additionally, scholars of ‘Dokter Muhammadiyah’ and ‘Bidikmisi’ scholarship were announced in the event. It aimed that the parents recognize that UMY facilitates scholarships for outstanding students so that they can encourage students’ academic activities.