
Electrical Engineering Students of UMY Gain the 3rd Place and the Best Design at the Indonesia Robot Contest

Indonesia Robot Contest (KRI) is a robotic design and engineering competition for university students conducted by Directorate General of Learning and Students, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. Two teams of UMY participated in Regional Robot Contest III on Friday (26/4) at Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto, Central Java.

One of the teams became the second runner up of Indonesia Fire-Fighting Robot Contest (KRPAI) while the other achieved the best design at Indonesia Soccer Robot Contest (KRSBI). In an interview, a KRPAI UMY team member Lutfi Ardiyanto stated that his team designed a six-foot robot. The robot could automatically find and extinguish fire.

“In a regional area III encompassing Yogyakarta, Central Java, and Banjarmasin, UMY obtained the third place and the best design. The winner categories themselves were the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th winner, the best design, and the best strategies. Winning in the regional contest, UMY will compete in a national level in 19 June at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang,” informed Lutfi.

Additionally, the KRPAI team members comprising of engineering students were Lutfi Ardiyanto, Ibnu Arseno, Muhammad Husein Karbala, M. Haryo Pangestu, Egy Yodanta Idea, Muhammad Rizqo, and Bintang Surya Tryatmojo. For the KRSBI team, there were 12 students, namely Nur Fauzi Hidayat, Riza Septian Silverona, Rara Dwi Oktaviani, Syarqie Arfanda Saputra, Fuad Aziz Febriansyah, Agus Purnomo, Diky Prasetyo, Febian Dwi Putra, Rio Muhammad Munir, Muhammad Fajar Gumelar, Shalihuddin Al Fatah, and Ma’ruf Rughofa.

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