
Continuing the #UMYMengabdi Hashtag, LP3M UMY Will Hold a National Seminar on Post COVID-19 Community Empowerment

The Institute for Research, Publication and Community Service of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (LP3M UMY) will hold another National Seminar on Community Service on 11 November 2020. The seminar, which will be held for its third time, raised the theme of Technology Innovation and Information Technology Development in Post-COVID-19 Community Empowerment.

Head of the UMY LP3M Community Service division, Adhianty Nurjanah, S.Sos., M.Sc., when interviewed by reporters from the UMY Office of Public Relations and Protocol on Tuesday (4/8) explained that the purpose of this national seminar was to facilitate seminar participants, namely lecturers, to present the results of their dedication. “Participants will come from within and outside the campus. For the internal participants, it will serve to maintain the superior performance of the service clusters,” she said.

Adhianty added that the implementation of this seminar will later use an online and offline semi-webinar system while still implementing health protocols and also limiting the number of offline participants to only 110 out of the target of 600 participants. There are 11 clusters of discussion topics in this seminar including Public Policy for the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) and Creative Industries, Partnerships in Community Empowerment, Competitiveness Capacity of MSMEs and BUMDES, Empowerment of Women, Creativity Education and Learning in Schools and Colleges, Community Social Institutional Performance in Environment and Disaster Management, Education for Community Dispute Resolution, Production Technology and Food Industry Competitiveness, Hospital Management in the Pandemic Era of COVID-19, Digitalization of Islamic Propagation, and Information Technology in Community Empowerment.

Dr. Sukamta, S.T., M.T., the UMY Vice-rector of Academic Affairs appreciated and welcomed this plan. According to him, seminars like this are important as a means of disseminating the results of the lecturers’ community service and a form of socialization to the public that will produce results with an ISBN. “This activity is strategically carried out online so that it can be accessed more broadly by the public, which hopefully will become an arena for creating good cooperative relations between the lecturers and the community,” he added.

On the same occasion, Ir. Gatot Supangkat, M.P., Head of LP3M UMY, said that this seminar will be an elaboration and implementation of Muhammadiyah’s al-ma’un theology, which states that every human being must be able to do something to help his fellow man. Regarding community service, matters such as technology, funding, skills, and knowledge are forms of assistance that can be provided by community service providers. “Hopefully the community can replicate or imitate the things that will be conveyed at this seminar. In addition, UMY itself with the tagline #UMYMengabdi hopes that there will be synergy or sustainability from this community service,” he said. (ays)

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