
18 Teams Join KRSI-KRI 2015


18 robot teams of higher education would join Indonesia Art Robot Contest (KRSI) – national level of Indonesia Robot Contest (KRI) 2015. They would compete on Saturday (13/6) at Sportorium of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).

Those 18 teams are from Universitas Indonesia, University of Brawijaya, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin, University of Telkom, Padang State University, Politeknik Negeri Padang, Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, University of Sam Ratulangi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Semarang State Universituy, STIMIK Teknokrat Bandar Lampung, University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta State University (UNY), and Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS).

A judge of KRSI Gigih Prabowo asserted that the 18 team of KRSI are from Regional I to Regional V. The number of participants is the greatest number of KRI participants. “It displays that art robot has been well-known in various areas in Indonesia, and this contest is more competitive,” he told when leading technical meeting (TM) of KRSI on Friday (12/6) at A.R. Fachruddin A, Floor 5, UMY.

He also said to KRSI participants that each team had three occasions and the order would be based on red and blue zone. Red zone is for odd number participants while blue zone is for even number participants. “It aims at dividing the group easily during the contest. The 18 teams would be selected 8 teams passing the next round. Each team ought to have two matches,” he elucidated.

Dealing with regulations, Gigih informed that each match takes 3 minutes 28 seconds while the robot has to be minimally 50 cm of height, 30 grams of weight, 60 cm of arm length, and 150 cm of leg height. Each team has 2 x 3 m of field. The regulation of playing music would be undertaken 3.8 seconds and would be stopped once,” he mentioned.

Regarding disqualification, Gigih continued that, if the robot goes out of the arena, the team would get penalty. The penalty is for the first 10 seconds, minus 2 of 100 points. It is similar with retrying. “There is no limitation of retrying, but they would get minus of the score,” he explained.

Gigih inserted the main point is that the preparation of teams should be optimized. Their robot ought to be ready for the judges’ command. When the command is given, the robot should begin dancing or stop dancing when the music stops. “What needs to pay attention is the preparation of the team. When it is started, the robot could not be touched anymore and then retry. The music would stop for 10-15 seconds, and last there would be a command that the game ends,” he added.

Furthermore, KRSI raised a theme of ‘Bambangan Cakil’, a classical dance of Central Java. Thus, Gigih inserted, the number of robots should be a couple. One robot is for Bambangan describing a knight, and the other is Cakil describing a rude giant.

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