458 universities proposed research proposals on Student Creativity Program (PKM) 2014/2015 organized by Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI). The total of the proposals was 31.692. In PKM 2014/2015 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) achieved the 14th rank as a university that sent the greatest number of proposals, 510 research proposals. Nevertheless, UMY successfully achieved the first rank among private universities (PTS) which obtain proposal fund in national level.
It was stated by Head of Creativity Development Center of UMY, Sugito, S.IP., M.Si. when telling the result of PKM’s proposals funded by DIKTI. It took place in LPKA UMY on Thursday (20/1). According to Sugito, 161 of 510 proposals of UMY were funded by DIKTI. It put UMY in the 13th position of national level. If it was compared to PKM 2013/2014, there were 113 proposals of UMY funded by DIKTI. Thus, Sugito mentioned that the increment was 42.5 % in 2015.
“It is the increase of 42.5 %. We gain 161 proposals funded by DIKTI this year. The previous year we only obtained 113 funded proposals. We become the first PTS that received the greatest number of funded proposals, and become the 14th between PTS and PTN. I notice that we are the only PTS achieving grant more than a hundred proposals between PTN and PTS. We must be grateful,” he explained.
Moreover, Sugito elucidated that the escalation of funded proposals displayed that the interest of UMY’s students in writing proposals of PKM was getting increase. It was in line with the increment of lecturers’ attention to get involved in writing proposals. He explained that the other essential aspect was that the number of proposals achieving grant accounted 42.5%. It showed that the quality of proposals elevated.
“There is the increase of the number of proposals that we send and are funded by DIKTI. It shows us that there is the escalation of students’ interest in working these proposals. Lecturers’ mentoring certainly lifts as well. It should be noted that our proposal quality this year increases. It is proven by the increase of the number of funded proposal accounted 42.5 % as I told you previously,” he continued.
Sugiato added that, dealing with the achievement, his party would reinforce the management of PKM in faculties, and also would elevate the quality of proposal review trough lifting the reviewers’ qualification. Then, they later would review the proposals as their study focus.
From 161 funded proposals of PKM UMY, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) achieved the most funded proposals among other faculties, accounted 50 proposals. The next one is Faculty of Technique, 25 proposals. Faculty of Economics is 23 proposals, Faculty of Social Political Sciences (FISIPOL) is 23 proposals, Faculty of Agriculture (FP) is 18 proposals, Faculty of Law (FH) is 15 proposals, and Faculty of Education Language (FPB) is 7 proposals. Hence, the total is 161 proposals.