
Reviewing the Development of Islam, UNISZA Malaysia Visited UMY


Developing educational institutions, some aspects have not been optimized yet to bring the education as the standards which are appropriate with the vision and mission. Enhancing Islamic knowledge in educational institution needs a deeper review toward another educational institution which has been good at fostering the knowledge in a university.

It was stated by DR. Muhammad Syafiee Bin Hamzah as the Director of Islamic Center Universitas Sultan Zainal Abidin Malaysia (UNISZA) when visiting Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). Syafiee was accompanied by the Head of Admissions, Dean of Islamic Faculty, and the staffs, and was welcomed by Dr. H. Kahiruddin Khamsin, Lc., the Head of Lembaga Pengkajian dan Pengamalan Islam (LPPI) or Institute of Islamic Analysis and Practice of UMY, and the staffs in a meeting room of AR Fachruddin A UMY on Wednesday (12/11).

Syafiee said that the visit aimed at strengthening the relationship and networking between those two universities. It was also with the purpose of sharing knowledge in developing Islamic university since he argued that UMY has succeeded in it.

“The first coming pointed at networking university between two nations, and the second is for sharing ideas in enhancing Islamic university. Thus, the knowledge could be expanded by UNISZA in Malaysia because UNISZA and UMY have similarities in vision and mission to develop the education in university,” he told.

As Syafiee, Khairuddin Khamsin, the Head of LPPI uttered that UMY and Universities in Malaysia had already had very firm relationship. Many student exchanges were conducted to Malaysia and vice versa, and many lecturers of UMY graduated from universities in Malaysia. It occurred since universities in Malaysia had the same roles of Islamic missionary endeavor as UMY had.

“Apart from this event, we have been establishing tight relationship with universities in Malaysia. We carry out student exchanges every year. Besides, many lecturers of UMY and some lecturers of Law graduated from universities in Malaysia, for instance IIUM or Universitas Antar Bangsa Malaysia,” stated Khairuddin.

In this visit, Khairuddin provided a presentation slide to explain UMY’s profile and what UMY has carried out in developing Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan of the academic staffs and students in whole daily academic activities at UMY. (Shidqi)