Wireless has developed since 15 years ago. Wireless was used for the complement of computer-based technology, yet wireless is now well-knows as Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and as the main device. “For instance, WSN is now commonly employed for detecting volcanic activities like lava and earthquakes. The data displayed from the wireless can become warning,” stated Widyasmoro, S.T., M.Sc., an Electrical Engineering lecture in a seminar of Wireless Sensor Network. The seminar was conducted on Wednesday (16/9) at Stadium General of Engineering Faculty of UMY, and it was attended by 50 students of Univerisitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), and University Malaysia Pahang (UMP).
On the other words, the wireless indirectly can be utilized for disaster management. The use of wireless is commonly combined with another technology such as internet and application. It can be used with other supporting devices. “For example, to measure soil volume using water, we need several devices like wireless, internet, and computer. The computer is employed to recognize data of soil volume transferred from wireless in the area,” he elucidated.
Moreover, components of WSN are CPU, sensor, radio, actuatopil, and storage. “However, the foremost three components are CPU, sensor, and radio. The other device of WSN is a hardware so-called Mote. The Mote has three main components namely Transceiver 400 MHz, Microcontroller, and TinyOS. The components of WSN are utilized to activate the WSN,” he informed.
Wireless has change in its shape and function. The process is not distinctive from computer. “It is the same as computer history. Computer was big and had limited features, but now computer is smaller and the features are incredible. So is wireless that it was huge and the volume was 200 inches, yet now wireless is small and the capacity is more than 200 inches,” he explained.
Besides used to detect volcanic activities, WSN has been employing to monitor environment like controlling temperature, humidity, and water. In industry, wireless is utilized to intelligent building, smart home, and bridge monitor. “For instance, in bridge monitor, WSN functions to detect errors of the bridge like crack so that it can be anticipated. The other development is employed to body sensor that, when someone is feeling unwell, the data will be displayed in computer connected to internet,” he ended.