
Warung Prancis of UMY Promotes France through Jeu-Jeumputan

Warung Prancis of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) conducted Jeu-Jeumputan on Sunday (28/10) at 7-11 at Taman Sari (Water Castle) to promote French culture. The Jeu-Jeumputan was for not only UMY students but also public that they had previously registered on event fright posted on Warung Prancis’ Instagram.

Through the first Jeu-Jeumputan, Warung Prancis sought to organize a French event out of UMY such Jeumputan ala France and W Plesir (Warung Prancis Travelling). Not only did participant have fun but also made jumputan with French culture.

The Jeu-Jeumputan was free of charge. 24 of 30-targeted students applied by filling a google form comprising of questions about their motivation for joining the W Plesir. Afterwards, 19 applicants were selected. They were students from Samarinda spending their holiday in Yogyakarta, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ambarukmo, and UMY.

The 19 participants were grouped and had to pass four posts enabling them to discover France deeper. “The first post requires them to create a slogan using French. In the second post located at Masjid Soko Tunggal near Taman Sari, participant’s geographical knowledge of French was examined. The third post was at Water Castle that participants are requested to answer yes/no (Frai our Frouxi) questions regarding French facts while they make jeumputan of Eiffel Tower. In the last post, they play word games and accomplish their jeumputan. Then, they do groufie or take photo together to be posted on their social media with hashtags #WPlesir #Jeujeumputan #WPUMY,” informed Director of Warung Prancis of UMY Puthut Ardianto.

“The Jeujumputan aims to promote French trough the W Plesir because UMY does not offer Department of French Language and many people assume that the French language is difficult. Hereby, we would like to tell them that French is fun. Then, why is the Jeujumputan organized outside campus? We would like to disseminate information that UMY possesses Warung Prancis promoting French culture and language as well as acculturating the jeujumputan with a landmark of France,” added Puthut.

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