
Warung Prancis of UMY Conducts Francophonie 2015


Celebrating World Francophonie Day, Warung Prancis of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (WP UMY) conducted Francophonie fair. Francaphonie is a day when French community in each country across the world organizes an event dealing with France in term of culture, language, and French environment.

It was stated by one of the persons in charge of WP UMY Puthut Ardianto when accompanying dozens of participants of Francophonie poster making. The event took place at Secretariat of WP UMY, Building D, UMY.

WP UMY had held series of Francophonie fair since 16 March. The events were introduction class of French, introduction and enjoying French songs entire day, movie screening of French cinema, presentation of study in France by Campus France, and Francophonie poster making 2015 which carried out on Friday (20/3) at UMY.

“Today we have a native speaker from Paris, Karine Josse. She is a volunteer for WP. Karine often goes with us to organize events at WP UMY. Karine also presents everything regarding France,” told the lecturer of English Education Department of UMY.

Puthut asserted that, after the participants had listened to the presentation of Francophonie by Karine at the beginning of the event, they were required to create a Francophonie poster as drawing scenery in Paris, Eiffel tower, Miss France, a flag of countries conducting Francophonie, and other pictures related to France. The best poster would achieve a reward, a voucher of free meals at Rendezvous Artisan French Café Yogyakarta which the owners are a French and Indonesian.

“For today, that is all the Fracophonie fair. The posters would be displayed here after we assess it. Then, we would announce and give the reward, just it. For the report to embassy of France in Indonesia is through publishing pictures of this event in social media, and it is also the way to share our various events.”

 Besides, Karine Josse, as the speaker and having lived in Indonesia for a year, elucidated that she was glad to be the volunteer in the various events at WP UMY. The students welcomed in joining the events and looked happy, active, and warm to her.

“I see that the students were enthusiastic about the materials I delivered. They were always active in joining agenda at Warung Prancis UMY. I am truly comfortable to be here, and I think that this community is very great to recognize each other culture. I expect that a number of students joining events at WP UMY would continue their study in France,” inserted Karine.

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