
Vietnam Turns the Defending Champion, while Indonesia Achieves Runner Up 2 of ABU Robocon 2015

Vietnam represented by a team of Hung Yen University of Technology achieved Grand Prix of ABU Robocon 2015 and ABU Robocon Award. On the other word, the country turned defending champion.

In the contest conducted at Sportorium of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Sunday (23/8), Vietnam won over Hong Kong, 5-1. In the semifinal, Vietnam defeated a team of Bandung Institute of Technology Indonesia with the final score 5-1.

Chief of Dagominton team of ITB Restu Ikhsanul Fikri stated that it was unexpected that Vietnam could pass to final and become the winner. His team had expected that China was the strongest team since the robot was automatic while his team’s robot was manual. “We thought that China is the toughest rival, but in fact it was Vietnam,” he confessed.

Restu admitted that the strategy his team employed was erroneous so that Vietnam got the score. However, when competing with Thailand, the team won 5-2. “We used a wrong strategy, and Vietnam had a better strategy. Thus, we do apologize to Indonesia because we cannot give our best,” he declared.

Additionally, awards of ABU Robocon 2015 were given to Vietnam achieving Grand Prix, Hong Kong as the First Runner Up, Indonesia and Thailand as the Second Runner Up, Nepal as Best Idea Award, China as Best Engineering, and Malaysia as Best Design. Besides, Special Awards were Panasonic Award to ITB, Toyota Award went to India, Mabuchi Motor Award to Nepal, Nagase Award to Japan, Rhom Award to Thailand, and NOK Award to China.

Additionally, ABU Robocon will be conducted next year in Bangkok, Thailand. The theme of ABU Robocon 2016 is ‘Cleaning Energy Recharging the World’.

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