
UMY’s Strategic Development Focuses on Being a Reputable International University


In Midyear Meeting of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (RKTT-UMY) 2017, Rector of UMY Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P. stated that the Senate has determined a roadmap for strategic development 2015-2040. In the first 2015-2020, UMY focuses on strategic development to be a reputable international university.

“UMY has achieved ‘A’ national accreditation and now this institution is attempting to obtain an international reputation. The learning process at UMY should also have an international standard to produce nationally and internationally competitive graduates. Thus, UMY can be a research excellence university in the next five years,” told Gunawan in the RKTT 2016/2017 on Thursday (20/7) at AR Fachruddin A.

In the meeting attended by university leaders, office heads, and unit heads, Dr. Gunawan emphasized that in the development UMY always concentrates on its vision and missions embodied in Catur Dharma (the four principles of Muhammadiyah higher education), namely education, research, community service, and Islamic character building. “To build Islamic characters, UMY’s academicians’ awareness of congregational prayer should be raised. Therefore, UMY’s tagline, ‘Unggul dan Islami’ (Leading and Lightening),” he maintained.

Dr. Ir. Gunawan inserted that in 2020-2025 UMY will concern with publication of journal articles, seminars, and book publication by UMY’s lecturers. UMY will empower all academicians to actualize the goal as a research excellence university possessing international superiority by raising potential and local wisdom. Thus, UMY can become a leading ASEAN university in 2035-2040.

“To enhance the international reputation, UMY needs to foster cooperation with top 500 world-class universities, and each department of UMY should develop a visiting professor program,” he mentioned.

In 2025-2030, UMY’s goal is to be top 100 under 50 Asian universities. “In the international level, UMY tries to become top 500 world-class universities in 2030-2035. Afterwards, UMY will attempt to be top 300 world-class universities. Besides, UMY contributes to the welfare of mankind nationally and globally through science and technology development carried out by UMY’s academicians,” expected Gunawan.