
UMY Wins 2nd Place in the Best PTS in Indonesia 4ICU Uni-Rank Version


Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta with its Young, Global and Islamic credo continues to strive every year to improve the quality of education and university achievements both nationally and internationally. Right at the beginning of 2020, UMY was ranked as the Second Best National Private University (PTS)according to 4ICU.

4ICU Uni-Rank ranks 571 Indonesian higher education institutions with several criteria, namely universities must be accredited by the Government body (Kemristekdikti), universities must hold three levels of higher education (Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral), and a variety of learning processes. Uni-Rank also assesses the presence and popularity of university websites or official websites in terms of traffic, trust/authority, and popularity of quality links.

According to 4ICU, UMY won second place in the National PTS category and ranked 15th out of 571 tertiary institutions in Indonesia. The Head of the Information Systems Bureau (BSI) of UMY, Wahyudi, ST., MT, said that the rank was achieved through the university’s previous efforts, including improving the quality of the website and improving website content by providing training for website managers (admin) so that the quality of the content is better. “UMY carried out these efforts to improve the quality of education and academic education services,” he said when interviewed in his office on Tuesday (11/2).

A similar sentiment was also expressed by Tony K. Hariadi, Ir., M.T., Head of the UMY Strategic Data & Information Center Division of the Planning and Development Agency (Pusdatin BPP) when interviewed on Tuesday (11/2) in the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau Room. According to Tony, the main strategy to increase the popularity of the web is to enrich the contents of the website content, both from the work of lecturers and students.

“We have made efforts to improve the ranking of the 4ICU Uni-Rank by improving the quality of the website through the contribution of lecturers to publish their work through the UMY website. In addition, we made sure that our research publications, community service and literary works can be accessed by the wider community. Our website was also made to be more accessible and more user-friendly so that more people access the UMY Web,” he explained.

In addition, Tony stated that this was an increase from the previous rankings achieved by UMY from the 4ICU Uni-Rank assessment. “Alhamdulillah, there is an increase in the ranking we got from 4ICU Uni-Rank. We went from a top three National PTS into a top two. This will motivate UMY’s to continue to improve the quality of the website by beautifying the website, enriching the contents of the website, and involving the entire academic community to participate in enriching the website’s content. With that, the public can access a variety of content about UMY or popular news and current issues. In addition, we can contribute articles and opinions in accordance with the latest issues created by the academic community, lecturers, employees and UMY students,” he said.

In addition to achieving second place in the 4ICU Uni-Rank National PTS, UMY also received another achievement at the beginning of 2020, namely when the number of A-level Accredited study programs at UMY reached 60 percent. (Sofia).

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