An old saying goes: One man’s trash is someone else’s treasure. In an era where everything is very convenient, people need to be more creative and innovative in creating an opportunity or a new work field. Useless garbage and waste can be turned into something that is beneficial to the people. This can be done through multiple methods, including the one used by the people of Wonokerto village, Turi, Sleman. Of the 13 hamlets in Wonokerto Village, 5 of them already have a Garbage Bank Movement.
Seeing this positive opportunity to turn garbage into something valuable, Arie Kusuma Paksi, PhD and Dr. Nanik Prasetyoningsih, along with UMY students that are on their social services (KKN) program hosted a dry waste management workshop for the people of Wonokerto village. The event was hosted in the Kembang Multipurpose Building on January 19th with Ananto Isworo as a panelist.
As the creator of the Shodaqoh Garbage movement in Brajan village, Ismoyo explained that there are some shortcomings of using the garbage bank method, including slow payment from collectors, something that is also experienced by the Wonokerto Garbage Bank. However, there is a better method than the garbage bank, namely the garbage shodaqoh (donations) method. The community will get more value from this movement because it is based on sincere intentions. There is no pressure to compete and get a lot of money from garbage, but people are competing to give alms through donating their trash. This method also has a low risk of late payment from collectors. Instead, the collectors will provide high prices because they know the purpose of this shodaqoh garbage is to help others through social activities.
“This method has helped garbage donations develop from year to year because the donated garbage is managed on the basis of religion and its profits are allocated for social activities unlike the management system of garbage banks. Managers of garbage banks will receive 10% of garbage sales, which makes it clear that they’re only there for the profits,” Ananto Isworo explained.
In addition, he stated to the people of Wonokerto that this garbage donation movement can also function as a method to preserve the environment and make the people feel more charitable. In addition, the villagers can also feel less worried about paying garbage collectors.
The workshop received positive responses from the people of Wonokerto, who stated that they were helped with their problems with their garbage bank including payment to collectors, their awareness of the environment, and the need to help others. (id)