Ramadhan is a holy month that Muslims learn how to enhance their empathy and kindness. It is also a month that the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of hell are locked up. In the holy month, Allah multiplies the reward for good deeds and forgives sins so that a lot of Muslims attempt to do good deeds and charity. They undertake shadaqah and wish His ridha.
Students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) assoc bagus iated in a program of ‘Ramadhan di Kampus’ (Ramadhan at Campus/RDK) also gave sadaqah under the theme ‘Bingkisan untuk 1000 Anak Panti’ (Packages for 1000 Orphans) on Sunday (11/6) at a mosque hall of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan of UMY. The 1000 orphans were from 16 Muhammadiyah orphanages across Yogyakarta. The event aimed at sharing happiness with the orphans.
A coordinator of RDK Rizki Anfasa Farasmada told that this RDK cooperated with Social Service Body of Muhammadiyah (MPS) and Lazismu. “The MPS listed the name of orphanages and Lazismu was the sponsor for the packages,” he informed.
The event included braking their fast together and performances. Five girls of Panti Asuhan (Orphanage) Muhammadiyah Nanggulan Kulon Progo sang and danced, while five children of Panti Asuhan Binausadah Muhammadiyah performed a parody entitled ‘Santri Cinta Budaya’ (Students Love Culture).
At the end of the event, the committee gave 1000 packages for 1000 orphans. The packages consisted of stationery such as books, pens, pencils, and crayons. The package was symbolically handed by Chief of Manager of Masjid K.H. Ahmad Dahlan of UMY Miftahul Haq, S.H.I., M.S.I. Afterwards, they broke their fast and prayed maghrib in congestion.
Additionally, Rizky expected that the packages would benefit them. “I also hope the next RDK will be better and Lazismu and MPS can cooperate with us again,” he wished.