
UMY Publishes 90 Articles on Scopus- and Web of Science-indexed Journals in 2018

One of the missions of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) is to be an international reputable university. To embody it, UMY seeks to enhance all aspects as teaching quality by writing international journals.

In an interview on Thursday (3/1), Vice Rector for Cooperation and International Affairs Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc. stated that international-indexed journals are an essential output to elevate a university reputation. “Besides, the most crucial research outputs are publication on international journals, intellectual property rights, and journal patents. Scopus and Web of Science are examples of the international publication database,” he told.

Thus, in 2018 UMY did a lead that 90 papers were published on Scopus-indexed journals using Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) as the measurement and on Web of Science managed by an information company, Thomson Reuters.

“UMY has successfully increased 52.5 percent of published journal articles from 2017,” mentioned Prof. Nurmandi.

He informed that the journal articles were written by UMY lecturers from multidiscipline, namely 25% of engineering, 20% of material science, 15% of medicine and business, 10% of management and accounting, 10% of computer science, and 15% of social sciences and basic sciences. To publish articles on Scopus- and Web of Science-indexed journals should comply with several requirements determined by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.

According to Governmental Regulation (Permen-PAN-RB) No. 17/2013, to be a reputable international journal, the journal should be indexed by Scopus, Web of Science, and other international journals. Indeed, the journal should periodically be continued, obey publication ethics (no plagiarism), have reviewed by other experts, and have multicultural editors or reviewers from five continents (America, Australia, Asia Europe, and Africa) if possible.

Additionally, UMY lecturers conducted joint research with foreign universities as Korea University, Malaysia Kebangsaan University, Mahidol University, University of Bradford, National University of Ireland Galway, and University of Adelaide. In 2018, UMY achieved other awards as Indonesia Green Award, the 11 rank of UI Green Metric World University Ranking, and SINTA Award (July 2018) by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. Indeed, a lecturer of UMY did a lot of research.

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Berita Terkini