
UMY Is Eager to Be Top 100 World Universities

Dekan Fakultas Hukum, Dr. Trisno Raharjo, S.H., M.Hum. saat menerima penghargaan berupa Piala Bergilir dari Rektor UMY, Prof. Dr. Bambang Cipto, MA

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) always attempts to be top 100 universities in this world. Bring it into reality, strategic planning (Renstra) of UMU 2015-2040 was presented to all academicians, particularly the executive board, deans, department heads, and units in the closing of annual meeting (RKT) of UMY 2015 on Wednesday (12/8). The RKT was conducted since Thursday (11/8) at meeting hall of A.R. Fachruddin B, Floor 5, UMY.

Head of Planning and Development Board (BPP) of UMY Dr. Bambang Jatmiko, S.E., M.Si., conveyed that the making of Renstra of UMY 2015-2040 is based on the expectation of Rector of UMY Dr. Bambang Cipto, M.A. bringing UMY to be top 100 universities. Renstra is the result of RKT UMY 2015 and is arranged once five years. The planning for 2015-2020 is internationalizing the university while in 2020-201 UMY can be in the line of ASEAN university. Then, in 2025-2030, UMY will include in Asia-Pacific University, in 20130-2035 UMY ought to be under fifty world class university, and in 2035-2040 UMY will be world class university.

“The rector expects that in the age of 50 UMY can be top 100 universities. Thus, we coin mapping so-called Renstra of university. Renstra can be a guideline for all academicians so that all programs can support the huge dream of UMY,” stated Bambang in an interview at office of BPP on Tuesday (13/8).

Besides, the other foremost focus of RKT UMY 2015 was AIPT-A 2017. In this sort period, UMY should be able to maintain ‘A’ accreditation. “We gained 364 of accreditation score. Through this RKT, we determined to obtain minimally 370. It is also be University Policy Goal (AKU) for this year. Hence, all units and academicians of UMY ought to encourage the policy to enhance the accreditation,” asserted Bambang.

Bamabng inserted that there are strategies to be carried out by each unit and department at UMY to elevate the accreditation. The strategies are called 4K, namely Konsistensi (Consistency) of all academicians of UMY, Komunikasi (Communication) among parties, Kerjasama (Cooperation), and Karya (Working) obviously contributing to university to achieve better accreditation. “And, one more strategy is prayer. Moreover, other strategies are that lecturers should write international articles or journals, be speakers or presenters at overseas universities, invite overseas universities, join national and international research, and improve infrastructure, technology information, and financial management,” he added.

In the closing of RKT UMY 2015, there was an announcement of three best core units and three best supporting units to achieve award from UMY. Head of Internal Quality Guarantee Affairs (Ka. Bid. PMI) Ir. Titiek Widyastuti, M.S. mentioned the three core units, namely Law Department, Master of Nursing, and Islamic Communicating and Broadcasting of Islamic Study faculty while the three supporting units were UPT Library, Development and Learning Institute (LPP), and Public Relation and Protocol Affairs (BHP). “Each unit deserves to get a certificate and additional fund to develop the unit while the trophy will only be given to the winner of core unit and supporting unit, namely Law Department and UPT Library. The number of fund will be the same. The core unit will get 35 million rupiahs, and supporting unit will gain 25 million rupiahs,” she explained.

Additionally, Titik informed four scoring criteria for core units which were AMAI (Internal Academic Quality Audit), evaluation of LUKUK (Unit Performance Report), MONEV of KBK, and satisfaction service survey of students, lecturers, and staffs. “Scoring criteria of supporting unit are AMNAI (Internal Non Academic Quality Audit), Evaluation of LKUK, and service survey. The scoring was carried out by Internal Quality Guaranty Board, Quality Guaranty Board of UMY,” she ended.