
UMY Committed to Enhancing Scientific Thought by Adding Three New Professors

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) officially received three new professors. The Decree (SK) was submitted directly by the Head of the Region V Higher Education Service Institution Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, SE., M.Com., Ak., CA. to the Rector of UMY Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP. IPM, Thursday (27/2) in the A.R Fachruddin A Meeting Room, UMY.

The Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) issued a decision to appoint the three UMY professors on December 26, 2019 in Jakarta. First, number 152730 / MPK / KP / 2019 for Dr. H. Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata, SH., M. Hum (professor of law). Second, number 152734 / MPK / KP / 2019 for Hilman Latief, S.Ag., M.A., Ph.D (professor of Islamic Studies and Arabic). and third number 152733 / MPK / KP / 2019 for Dr. Drs. Muhammad Azhar, M.Ag (professor of Islamic studies).

Didi hoped that the arrival of new professors could improve the quality of science through discussion and dialogue at UMY. In addition, he also hopes that Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM) can continue to add lecturers who hold the title of professor. Being a professor is not just a personal pride, but there is a scientific mission attached to it. The quality of higher education also depends greatly on the professors. It is more than just a position, it is a truly scientific substance.

“We also hope that there will be more new professors to enliven our discussion rooms with scientific minds,” He stated during his opening remarks.

On the same occasion, Gunawan also said that increasing the functional position of lecturers was not a personal matter. It must be a choice made by the entirety of the university management. UMY is committed to improving the quality of its educational process. The addition of new professors will have a real impact on improving the quality of education.

“Being an excellent university in the development of science and technology that is based on Islamic values can only benefit the people,” added Gunawan.

In the past, UMY had dubbed Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Sc a professor in December last year. Thus, UMY has had four new professors in a relatively short time. Currently, UMY has 17 lecturers with a professor title.

“This is a great blessing for us. In the future, we will encourage more lecturers to continue to pursue further education both at home and abroad. Yesterday, we sent one of our lecturers to Spain and in the future we plan to have six people leaving for the Netherlands, So that our target for 350 doctors can be achieved, “concluded Gunawan. (ak)

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