
The Significance of Regulation in Receiving International Aids

Regulation can not be separated even in receiving aid. Moreover, Indonesia is a hazard country. Most of all islands in Indonesia are hazard. When a disaster occurs in an area or a country, there would be many countries that are eager to give aids. For instance, when tsunami happened in Aceh in 2006, Indonesia got tons of aid from many countries. Thus, it is necessary the apparent regulation in receiving international aids.

The aforementioned paragraph was the main idea of “Dissemination of International Disaster Response Law”. The forum mainly discussed on the issues that International has given many aids to Indonesia in some urgent condition. It was organized by National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and Faculty of Law of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. It was conducted on Wednesay (20/5) at building AR. Fachrudin A, Floor 5, UMY.

According to R. Sugiharto, head of Bureau of Law and Cooperation of BNPB, when a disaster happened in a country or area, the person in charge of disaster management is the local government. “Although Indonesia is hazard country, we, (BNPB) as organization for disaster management, also have the regulation and principles in accepting international aids. One of the regulations is that international aids will be accepted when national entity is unable to overcome it,” he said.

Sugiharto stated that he did not receive all the aids. It needed cautions and appropriate coordination because there is a case of smuggling. “For example, we got medicines. However, the medicines passed the expiry dates. The point is that the aids were on behalf of humanity but they were not. There, we ought to be cautious,” he asserted.

In addition, Sugiharto said that the smuggling would bring more harm. For instance, when the victims consume the expired medicines, there might another disaster. It would be more troublesome. Hence, it is necessary to be more cautious to achieve aids from any organization.

“We, BNPB, would not spoil the victims. It means that, as long as the government could supply all the local aids, international aids are not necessary. Additionally, when BNPB could handle it well, more international aids are not necessary as former Indonesian president, SBY, conveyed that when disaster happened, the first one to help is we ourselves,” he continued.

The regulation of BNPB head on roles of international agency and non-governmental organization in “emergency response” is written in law of BNBP No.22/2010. “It is mention when international aids could be in disaster management. We can accept the aids when government could not manage the disaster impact, officially announces the international aids acceptance, and consider the number of aids,” told Sugiarto.

Sugiarto elucidated that, after the disaster occurred, BNPB would report the disaster and announce the needed aids. If they did not need the aids, they would refuse the aids since it would bring troublesome or overlapping aids. “BNBP would only receive the needed aids,” he said.

The stress was employed to control the disproportionate aid reception. “When disaster ensued, there are three first aspects should be fulfilled, namely logistics, equipments, and shelters. If those three aspects have been provided pre and post disaster, the disaster management would be very great. Nevertheless, the three aspects are not fulfilled, government would get critics from media that they consider Indonesian management disaster is not good,” he emphasized.

Furthermore, Pascal Bourcher as International Disaster Responses Law (IDRL) stressed that various issues need regulations for international organization to give disaster aids. The essential aspect is that it is necessary the regulation of sending disaster aids. “Hence, the country where the disaster happened has greater roles in providing aids to the victims and should manage the regulation of providing aids to another country,” he ended.


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