
Technical Preparations of Judges for Welcoming ABU Robocon 2015

Judges’ preparations for Indonesia Robot Contest (KRI) and ABU Robocon are diverse. They have been arranging the contest for long. “We have discussed schedules for Saturday and Sunday, technical aspects, and the sequence of the game. We will technically divide the contest into three, namely off air, on air, and judging as well as refereeing,” mentioned Dr. Ir. Endra Pitowarno, M.Eng, Chief of Judges of ABU Robocon 2015 in an interview on Saturday (22/8) at Sportorium of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).

Dr. Endra inserted that the off air is dealing with judging and refereeing. “There will be 28 matches. The on air is regarding unification between host on air and field host. We distinguish the hosts so that they need to be unified,” he added.

The scoring system is not significantly different from KRI that the dissimilarity is only in the number of points. “We had 5 contest categories of KRI, but we own only one category of ABU Robominton that the contest will be organized in a day. Thus, the rules are strengthened on the scoring system,” he informed.

Dr. Endra continued that the distinct scoring system can be noticed in final round that it is up to 10 points. “It was only 5-7 points in KRI, but now it can be 9-10 points in the final round of ABU Robocon. It aims at satisfying spectators. We still employ elimination system in elimination round, semi final, and final,” he asserted.

Additionally, there will be 5 judges, namely Prof. Anant Chakradeo from India as Dean of Design Habitat at Maharashatra Institute of Technology, Prof. Emeritus Dr. Masashi Shimizu from Tokyo of Technology Japan as Robocon’s Founder, (Assoc) Prof. Dr. Manukid Parnichkun Asian Institute of Technology Thailand, Dr. Ir. Endra Pitowarno, M.Eng from Politeknik Negeri Surabaya (PENS) Indonesia, and Prof. Dr. Eng. Drs. Benyamin Kusumoputro, M. Eng from University of Indonesia (UI).

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