
Students of UMY Welcome KRI

Students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) are ready to welcome Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) being conducted on 11-14 June 2015 at Sportorium of UMY. It was stated by President of Student Executive Board of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogykarta (BEM KM UMY) Zainudin Arsyad. He was proud since UMY is believed to organize the national robot contest. “As a student, I am glad; moreover, a robot team of UMY also joins the contest,” he uttered.

Zainudin informed that BEM KM UMY would send spectators to the contest venue to enliven the contest and support the team of UMY. The idea was warmly welcomed by students of faculties, particularly Engineering Faculty. “It is pleasant to have a robot contest at UMY. As an Engineering student, I may learn to create innovation of robot,” told Cahyo, a student of Mechanical Engineering.

Cahyo inserted that Faculty of Engineering often holds a practice to coin robot and joins several contests. This robot contest could trigger Engineering students to be more innovative to make robot so that they could compete in national and international level. “Readiness for welcoming KRI was also uttered by Septian, a student of Mechanical Engineering, who would come to Sportorium to see how the modern robots compete.

Moreover, students of Electrical Engineering also displayed their support since one of their friends passed to KRI. Mukti Sarif Riza, chief of Electrical Engineering Student Family (KMTE) was also busy selecting supporters coming on 11-14 June. “I do not want to see that they have promised to come to the competition but cancel it. Thus, I attempt to query their commitment,” he elucidated. KMTE has listed that 100 students of Electrical Engineering and other Engineering Departments have registered as spectators, but it has only been 80 selected participants till D-2 of KRI. Mukti informed that, besides registered supporters, each class of Electrical Engineering would come watching the KRI>

His friends and he are preparing yells and black dress code to give entire support for UMY’s team.

“Black dress code is chosen to anticipate forbidden color sensor in the contest venue. We must give our whole support,” he ended.

Moreover, three students of Electrical Engineering of UMY, namely Usman Abdul Rahman (TE 2014), Danu Barro Saputro (TE 2012), and Muh. Rifai (TE 2011), have passed to join the national robot competition for a category of Indonesia Fire Fighting Robot Contest (KRPAI). They would compete with hundreds of participants from various universities in Indonesia.

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