
Starting Tomorrow, UMY is Ready to Hold 14 International Online Conferences Simultaneously

The Covid-19 pandemic situation has changed the initial plan for the 2020 International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICOSI) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The conference, which initially will be carried out offline, must change to online and will be held tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday (13-14/10) . However, this did not diminish the enthusiasm of the organizing committee, who were UMY lecturers, to continue to provide facilities for experts and researchers from various countries, who concentrate on the world of education and industry to convey their knowledge and experiences in international conference forums.

The online-only ICOSI 2020 will make this international conference scheme difficult. Moreover, with the number of participants who likely exceeds 1000 people, it is necessary to implement new innovations. On the one hand, there is practicality for the participants because the online scheme can save their costs, but on the other hand, it is very difficult for the committee who need to prepare IT proper equipment. However, UMY Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Ir. Sukamta MT., IPM., emphasized that UMY is ready to hold ICOSI 2020 online.

“I think UMY is ready to hold ICOSI 2020 online with existing IT facilities. To get around the large number of participants, not all participants made presentations in person. Instead, the participants were asked to make a video learning presentation by creating a Power Point that will be sent to the committee along with a full paper, then uploaded on the ICOSI 2020 website. Selected participants will be asked to make a live presentation via MS Teams or Zoom, Live Streaming on IG TV and Youtube. We estimate that there will be 1000 presenters,” said Sukamta, Monday (12/10).

ICOSI 2020 can be said to be the largest international conference yet because it will involve 14 conference focuses, Unlike the previous year which only involved 9 conference focuses. It could also break the MURI (Indonesian Museum of Records) record if it is able to fulfil the category of the highest number of abstracts and papers. “At ICOSI 2019, the number of abstracts was recorded at approximately 1300, 850 full papers, while this year we expect more than that number. Therefore, we have registered with the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) for the international category of seminars with the highest number of abstracts or full papers, and the highest number of focal conferences, because previously there has never been an international seminar with more than 14 conferences, ” added Sukamta.

UMY will not only host this international conference, but it will also involve lecturers to present their work. According to Sukamta, the existence of ICOSI has increased the number of UMY journals indexed by Scopus which is very useful for campus ranking both nationally and internationally.

“We will fully finance the registration fee for UMY lecturers in this international conference. We want them to be able to display and present their scientific work at the international level, with the hope that they will be able to contribute to international scopus indexed journals, or Scopus indexed proceedings. Because ICOSI has increased the number of UMY journals indexed by Scopus, This conference can increase university ranking through the contribution of the lecturers, “explained Sukamta further.

ICOSI 2020 collaborates with IOPScience, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Energy, Engineering and Environmental Sciences (EEES), Atlantis Press, and Web of Science. In addition, ICOSI 2020 also collaborates with many international journal publishers indexed by Scopus.

The 15 Conference Focuses will include ICPU (2nd International Conference on Pharmaceutical Updates), ICOMS (6th International Conference on Management Sciences), ICLAS (9th International Conference on Law and Society), ICMHS (4th International Conference Medical and Health Sciences), ICAF (6th International Conference for Accounting and Finance), ILEC (2nd International Language and Education Conference), ICONURS (2nd International Conference on Nursing), ICITAMEE (International Conference on Information Technology, Advanced Mechanical and Electrical Engineering), IConARD (2nd International Conference of Agribusiness and Rural Development), ICONPO (10th International Conference on Public Organization), ISHERSS (2nd International Symposium on Social Humanities Education and Religious Sciences), DREAM (5th Dental Research and Exhibition Meeting (DREAM), ICHA (International Conference on Hospital Administration), and ICoSA (3rd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture). (hbb)

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