
Regent of Berau Collaborates with UMY Students to Eradicate Proverty

23 students of Universitas Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) associated in Lentera Bangsa (Lensa) Borneo performed community service in 3T (the frontier, outermost, and remote) areas, exactly in Longkeluh, Kelay and Baturajang, Segah, Berau, Kalimanan Timur on 12 July-12 September. Mentioned a press release received on Saturday (14/7), the community service in Berau is a follow up program undertaken in July 2017.

On 11 July 2018, Lensa Borneo had a meeting with Regent of Borneo to discuss programs to eradicate poverty in the area. “I wish that the programs assist reducing poverty in Berau in 2019,” hoped Regent of Berau, H. Muharram, S.Pd., M.M.

A chief of the Lensa Borneo Wahyu told that the meeting aimed to emphasize and follow up programs. “Our programs focus on enhancing competitiveness of production and creative economy in the two villages. The programs are expected to boost community economy,” he stated.

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