Supporting the needs of Yogyakarta’s society in health service and enhancing facilities and infrastructures which could be beneficial to the society immediately, UMY as one of the universities contributes to community empowerment through providing the service. The effort is carried out by opening 24-hour clinic that the target of patients is Muhammadiyah’s people, UMY’s students, and public either registered in Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) or not.
The Head of Task Force for Klinik Pratama 24 Jam Firdaus UMY, dr. Oryzati Hilman, M.Sc. CMFM, Ph.d., in her report in the soft-opening of UMY’s 24-hour Clinic, taking place in main yard of Klinik Pratama 24 Jam Firdaus UMY located at Jalan Kapten Piere Tendean 56 Yogyakata on Thursday (25/12), explained that 24-hour Clinic of UMY provided different services. The difference was on the services and facilities employing sophisticated technology. In this 24-hour Clinic of UMY, besides providing complete service of medical check-up, it was provided counseling service which aimed at healing and controlling patients’ psychology. According to dr. Oryzati, a physical ill patient would absolutely have affected the patient’s psychology, so that, besides having physical healing service, it was supported by patients’ psychological healing service.
“The strength of the clinic is that, besides providing physical healing service supported by recent health technology, this clinic provides counseling service for healing patients’ psychology. It is because, if a patient gets physical illness, it would affect the patient’s psychological pressure,” she stated.
Additionally, Rector of UMY, Prof. Dr. Bambang Cipto, MS, after observing the facility completeness of Klinik 24 Jam Firdaus UMY, mentioned that he was fascinated by the technology availability which he thought that it was better than Yogyakarta’s clinics, as an engine to measure body fitness entirely, so-called Body Composition Monitor which is 3 units.
“First, I am amazed at the strength of this clinic. We know that we are able to afford skilled health staffs, and we now have a clinic providing sophisticated health technology like 3 units of measuring instrument for body fitness. Moreover, the clinic has a novel technology to dental examination with strengths which I argue it is better than others,” he told.
Bambang added that he expected that the existence of Klinik Pratama 24 Jam Firdaus UMY would be beneficial for Yogyakarta’s society and could be a supporting facility for UMY’s students’ researches. Furthermore, it was in order that health sciences, which always developed, could be engaged well, and could be a media in enhancing community service.
Besides affording sophisticated health technology, Klinik Pratama 24 Jam UMY was designed as a hospitable building for disabilities. It could be noticed from the wheel chair access to all rooms like examination rooms, toilets, and waiting rooms. Klinik Pratama 24 Jam UMY would be complemented by Running Text for supporting deaf patients in order that they could get information of checking call easily. (Shidqi)