
PSPDG of UMY Conducts Social Work


Dentistry Alumni Association (PSPDG) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) performed a community service as the implementation of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (The Three Principles of Higher Education). The social work was conducted on Thursday (5/5) at Sempu, Wedomrtani and Ngemplak, Sleman.

Vice-Dean in Student and Cooperation Affairs of Medical and Health Science Faculty of UMY, drg. Laelia Dwi Aggraini, Sp.KG, stated, “The social work is regularly organized. This association also hold an international seminar ‘Dental Research Exhibition and Meeting’ on 6-17 May 2016.”

drg. Laelia informed that the association comprises alumni of batch 2004-2008. “There are approximately 100 alumni from various areas of Indonesia such as Kalimantan, Sumatera, and Sulawesi,” he mentioned.

The social work was carried out in two areas. “The social work is performed in Sempu and RS PKU Ngemplak,” drg. Laelia told.

The social work was expected to assist unprivileged people. “Besides, may the activity be sustainable since it will help to maintain the ‘A’ accreditation of PSPKG of UMY that the activeness of the alumni is one of the scoring criteria,” she ended.