
Nikmah Received Doctorate after Innovating Islamic Gratitude as an Idea

The Islamic Psychology Education Doctorate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) graduated another doctor on Wednesday (7/8). The doctorate was given to Nikmah Rochmawati after her promotional session at the Postgraduate Room, located on the 4th floor of UMY Central Campus’ Kasman Singodimejo building.

During the session, Nikmah explained her dissertation, “The Determinant Factor of Islamic Gratitude on Students.” The study was inspired by the fact that at every Friday speech and Qur’an recitation session, the speakers always ask Muslims to be grateful. However, not a lot of Muslims are grateful to Allah or other Muslims by selflessly helping others. “Islamic Gratitude is a very crucial thing for a human’s life because it’s connected to the connection between Man and God,” Nikmah explained.

Nikmah also stated that the results of her study show literacy of Islamic gratitude, social sensitivity, humility, and diligence to one’s parents have a positive and significant impact towards Islamic gratitude with a 99% trust rate through an 82% donation. “The higher the rate of literacy of Islamic gratitude, social sensitivity, humility, and diligence to one’s parents, the higher one’s Islamic gratitude will be. This study also reveals that the level of Islamic gratitude can be seen from its literacy, namely knowledge on how to be thankful, social sensitivity, and humility. What differentiates Islamic gratitude from western gratitude is its spiritual side, where spiritualism brings gratitude, and vice versa,” She added.

When explaining her dissertation, Nikmah stated that the results of this research can be an alternative and a reference for designing a character-building system, especially regarding Islamic gratitude. This research can also serve as advice for lecturers, students, or other college personnel regarding the learning process or how to interact with students, by factoring in aspects that could increase Islamic gratitude literacy, humility, or social sensitivity so that the students can have good Islamic gratitude.

Nikmah Rochmawati berhasil dinyatakan lulus sebagai doktor ke- 96 dan ke-75 lulusan dari Program Doktor Psikologi Pendidikan Islam dengan nilai IPK 3.91 predikat cumlaude. Dalam prosesi sidang terbuka promosi doktor ini di hadiri oleh Prof. Dr. Asmadi Alsa,SU selaku promotor, Dr. Abdul Majid,M.Ag selaku Copromotor dan tim penguji diantaranya Prof. Dr. Subandi,M.A.,Ph.D, Dr. Khaeruddin Bashori, Dr. Muhammad Anis,M.A., dan Dr. Mahli Zainudin, M.Si. (sofia)

Nikmah Rochmawati graduated as the 96th doctor and 75th graduate of the Islamic Psychology Education Program with a 3.91 GPA score and cumlaude honors. The promotion session was attended by Dr. Asmadi Alsa,SU as promotor, Dr. Abdul Majid,M.Ag as Co-promotor and a tester team of Prof. Dr. Subandi,M.A.,Ph.D, Dr. Khaeruddin Bashori, Dr. Muhammad Anis,M.A., and Dr. Mahli Zainudin, M.Si. (sofia)

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