
Millennials Spearhead Stock Investment in Indonesia

Stock investment growth in Indonesia is only 0.3 percent or 800 thousands of 264 million Indonesian people. The circumstance bolsters Capital Market Study Club (KSPM) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) to promote stock investment to UMY students. The KSPM of UMY recently achieved an award from FAC Sekuritas Indonesia on Tuesday (15/1) at Baroroh Barried Hall of Universitas Aisyah Yogyakarta.

“The KSPM of UMY has been established since 2002 and it aims to invite people to invest stock. We may not state anti-foreigners but we do not make an investment for our country. We let foreigners do it,” declared Chief of the KSPM of UMY Afdal Syafe’i in a discussion at Galeri Investasi BEI of Faculty of Economics and Business of UMY on Monday (21/1).

A target of the stock investment campaign is youth who are millennials. Capital markets in a technology field have rapidly developed that all people easily do online stock transaction.

“Promoting stock investment to youth is effective since they easily adapt to shifts. Indeed, accessibility of the investment is getting easy so that it attracts youth to invest stock,” he added.

Additionally, the KSPM of UMY were nominated in five categories and gained four awards from FAC Sekuritas Indonesia such as the Most Investor Growth of 1687 people, the Most Active Innovations, the Greatest Transaction accounted 14 billion rupiahs, and the Best Information Dissemination. A member of the KSPM of UMY also became the best investor. Indeed, the KSPM of UMY also broke MURI Record for logging in a capital market application on 7 November 2018.

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