
LP3M of UMY Implements Good University Governance

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) always seeks to enhance its performance for benefits of people. For instance, the university frequently conducts a financial review of an internal audit.

On Saturday (19/1) at Stadium General of Faculty of Engineering, Office of Research, Publication, and Community Service (LP3M) of UMY as a tri dharma unit attended the review.

“LP3M as a supporting unit is engaged in embodying good governance at UMY,” stated Head of Community Service of the LP3M of UMY Dr. Adhianty in an interview on Saturday (19/1).

Meanwhile, Head of the LP3M of UMY declared, “LP3M has performed good university governance well. To achieve good governance in a financial field necessitates a standard of financial management, regular promotion, financial regulation obligation, and financial report velocity and accuracy from all core and supporting units.”

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