
Lecturers of Department of Pharmacy of UMY Promote a HIIT Method

Cardiac patients have been familiar with an alternative sports method, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Particularly the patients of coronary artery disease and heart failure have considered the means for their rehabilitation. Noticing the circumstance, lecturers of Department of Pharmacy and Profession Program of Pharmacist of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) performed community service to introduce the HIIT method as regeneration of a healthy heart community, Paguyuban Jantung Sehat, in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta.

The community was conducted along with launching of the community on Saturday (30/3) at Rumah Sakit Umum Rizki Amalia Medika Kulon Progo. The community establishment aimed to create a conducive communication forum for the cardiac patients. “Besides, it is pointed to transfer positive energy among the patients so that they are more aware of their heart disease and know efforts to enhance their life quality,” declared Chief of the community service program Pramitha Esha Nirmala Dewi, M.Sc., Apt. in an interview on Monday (1/4).

Pramitha explained that the HIIT method has various benefits for a cardiovascular system including heart and blood vessels. The method has been examined and recommended by researchers as a safe and effective cardio rehabilitation method.

Additionally, the community was led by Ms. Rubiyem, a patient of a valvular heart disease. “She devotes herself to motivating other heart sufferers associated in the community. Indeed, the community is supervised by Head of Rumah Sakit Umum Rizki Amalia Medika Kulon Progo dr. Agus Wiyono and a coronary heart disease survivor M. Afnan Z,” informed Pramitha.

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