
Lecturers of Department of Nursing of UMY Conduct a Workshop on How to Reduce Adolescents’ Addition at MTs Muhammadiyah Kasihan

Rapid information technology development brings positive and negative impacts on adolescent development. One of the negative effects is that the adolescents get addicted to something. Noticing the circumstance, three lecturers of Department of Nursing of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Ns. Yanuar Fahrizal, M.Kep. SP. Kep. J., Syahruramdani, S.Kep., Ns., M.Sc. M.SN., and Fahmi Irfanuddin, Lc., M.Sc. performed community service on health education by raising a theme of ‘Education for Adolescent Addiction Management at School through Health and Religion Approaches’. The community service was addressed to teachers and staffs at MTs Muhammadiyah Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Chief of the community service Ns. Yanuar Fahrizal, M.Kep. stated that adolescents are now addicted to video games, pornography, alcohol, and drug.

Besides, at the workshop conducted on Friday (22/2), Syahruramdani, S.Kep., Ns., M.Sc., MSN presented addiction issues, how to overcome them, biomedical mechanisms, and the addiction impacts on a human body system.

Additionally, Fahmi Irfanuddin, Lc., M.Si. explained Islamic principles since understanding of religious rules can reduce the addiction. A lecturer of UMY Kellyana Irawati, M.Kep., Sp.Kep. J. talked about the addiction impacts on adolescent development.

The community service could be continued and engaged teenagers and parents as role models of the students. “The education may reduce the addiction issues, enhance parents’ awareness of the importance of parenting, and improve knowledge and teachers’ competences in preventing and coping with the addiction,” told Ns. Yanuar in an interview on Wednesday (6/3).

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