
KKI Day Ramadhan: Students of Department of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting Launch Books and Short Films

Department of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) conducted an event entitled KKI Day. The event, besides to celebrate the holy Ramadhan, also aims to improve students’ competency and strengthen the kinship and brotherhood of all students in the department. The KKI Day was held on Saturday (18/5) at Siti Walidah Building of UMY. Moreover, the event is purposed as an appreciation work for students of 2016 and 2018.

A lecturer of Department of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting, Cahyo Setiadi Ramadhan conveyed, “We collaborate with the Students Association to provide students with information related to their competencies and self-expressions. Besides, two students who take communication concentration, exhibited a pair of books, namely Cuap di Bilik, Pusing di Pubik (Etika dan Media di Era Disrupsi) and Ruang Amoralisme (Membuka Etika dan Moral Media). The other students also launched eighteen websites related to creative da’wah.

Moreover, Dean of Faculty of Islamic Studies of UMY, Dr. Akif Khimiyah, M.Ag appreciated the event. “Although we are pretty late conducting the event due to unfinished lecture schedules in some departments, but our participation is something that acquires huge appreciation,” he expressed.

Subsequently, all committees also conducted short film screenings. These films are works done by students of 2018. Each film represents one class, and committees will select one work to win The Best Film. A student of Department of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting, Abdurrahman uttered, “Every student in each class felt so curious and impatient. All students of 2018 even found themselves palpitated when Mister Imam came and announced the winners. Hopefully, committees can make KKI Day more rousing for the near future.”

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