Islamic Educational Psychology is the application of psychology in educational activities in the form of learning by internalizing Islamic values in its application. One way to explore the psychology of Islamic education is to review various classical books by Muslim scientists. One of them is the book Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din by Imam Al-Ghazali. Based on this, Khairina Siregar, a student of the Islamic Education Psychology Doctoral Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Postgraduate Program, conducted her dissertation research entitled “Psychological Concepts of Islamic Education in Ihya’Ulum Al-Din Karya Al-Ghazali”.
“The aim of our research is to find out the psychological concept of Islamic education in the Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din by Al-Ghazali and its analysis with modern educational psychological theories. In addition, the research also contextualizes its application in the present. The method used in the research This is library research, “said Khairina during the Doctoral Promotion Open Session on Wednesday (24/9) online using the Zoom Meeting application.
Khairina, who is also a lecturer at UIN North Sumatra, revealed that the results of her research indicated that the psychological concept of Islamic education in the book Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din had an influence on the world of psychology in general. “This was proven through modern theoretical analysis, namely behaviorism, psychoanalysis, humanistic and transpersonal. The psychological concept of Islamic education contained in the Ihya ‘Ulum al-Din requires the integrity and balance between knowledge, educators and students as a potential “spirit” to change a person’s behavior or character,” she explained.
She also added that the potential value contained in ‘Ulum al-Din and its contribution to contemporary psychology is considered great. “This can be seen from the effort to balance and the principle of wholeness between science, educators and students, as well as helping to analyze the phenomena of Islamic education from a psychological perspective. For this reason, researchers suggest reinforcing the “spirit” of education through the affirmation of the concept of knowledge, educators (ethics and responsibility) and students (ethics and obligations) as stated in the book, “concluded Khairina.
In the trial, based on the decision of the board of examiners, Khairina passed with honours. The Board of Examiners included Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, Ph.D as Chair of the Assembly, Dr. Aris Fauzan, M.A. as Secretary, Prof. Promoter. Dr. Alef Theria Wasim, M.A., Co-Promoter Prof. Dr. Muhammad Azhar, M.Ag, as well as Prof. Dr. Siswanto Masruri, M.A., Dr. Khoiruddin Bashori, M.Si., Dr. Mahli Zainuddin, M.Sc., and Dr. Abd. Madjid, M.Ag. Khairina Siregar is the 95th doctorate graduated by the Islamic Education Psychology Doctoral Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. (Evan)