
IMM Should Be Able to Respond to Emerging Social Issues

Student Movement has experienced ups and downs in addressing social issues due to a changing era. Noticing the circumstance, Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) of BUlaksumur Karangmalang (BSKM) organized ‘Malam Refleksi’ (IMM’s 54 Anniversary Commemoration) on Friday (24/2) at Building of Muhammadiyah Center of Yoyakarta. It aimed to evaluate IMM’s contribution to maintaining enthusiasm of joining Muhammadiyah.

Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto declared that IMM should become a pioneer, executor and the one accomplishing charity efforts of Muhammadiyah. “IMM is a part of community who are excellent at thinking, stating their opinions, and behaving in a social environment. IMM is leadership cadres in government and the members can bring huge impacts on people. Thus, these assets should be maintained through strengthening Muhammadiyah principles,” told Gunawan.

He added that the basis of Muhammadiya’s movement is Surah Al-Ma’un encouraging Muslims to care about the underdeveloped, oppressed, and pre-prosperous people. “We should understand Surah Al-Maun so that we can behave as K.H. Ahmad Dahlan. Muhammadiyah also refers to Surah Al-Ashr advising Muslims to care about orphanage and to be istiqomah in a process to enhance leadership skills. Thus, Muhammadiyah and IMM may not lose their principles because of the changing era, and these two movements should be able to embody progressive Islam so that Muhammadiyah will be responsive and relevant to era demands and developemtns,” emphasized Gunawan.

Moreover, an initiator and head of IMM of BSKM 2004-2006 Muh Taufik Arahman, S.IP. told believed that an organization should possess dynamic habits and IMM has to be able to understanding Islamic values. “IMM should be able to create new resolutions so that this movements can develop knowledge which can become strength. I encourage IMM to build link and match so that we can enhance our capability and broaden our network,” he advised.

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