
Genesia#3 Is on Alert to Assist Lombok Earthquake Victims

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat on Sunday morning (29/7). It was revealed 16 dead, 355 injured victims, 1,454 damaged house, and 5,141 evacuated people. Discerning the condition, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) required Generasi Indonesia Mengabdi (Genesia#3), teams performing community service in Sajang and Bawak Dao, Sembalun to assist the victims.

“We together with the team of Genesia#3 help the people in a disaster shelter. Both teams in Bawak Nao and Sajang gather in one point for our safety and to provide assistance in terms of being facilitators, medicine, and logistics. We are now logging the number of family members, damaged buildings, and injured people. Genesia#3 is also coordinating with Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MCDC) to establish a disaster shelter to receive and distribute aids to other disaster shelters in Semabalun, stated Luqyana Dhifa, one of the team members of Genesia#3 on a press release on Monday (30/7).

Luqyana told that residences, particularly male residences, of both teams were damaged. “Thus, we decided to get together in a shelter,” she said.

Luqyana added that Genesia#3 teams were on alert to give aids, but our helps need support from donors. The evacuated people entail a lot of aids such as logistics, tents, water, food for children, medicine, and emergency toilets. “We open donation for the victims. If someone is willing to donate, they may contact us on our social media, Indonesia Mengabdi,” she informed.

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