
Forestalling Misinformation, LP3M of UMY Conducts a Program of ‘Penyamaan Persepsi’ for Research Reviewers

Excellent research is the ones contributing to community. Engagement of experts such as reviewers in research affects the research results and becomes an essential aspect of the research. To cope with misinformation about government regulation change in research, Office of Research, Publication, and Community Service (LP3M) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) conducted ‘Penyamaan Persepsi Reviewer’ on Friday (16/11) at Rector’s Meeting Hall of A.R. Fachruddin A of UMY attended by internal reviewers of UMY and participants from Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (UNIMUS), Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Universitas Aisyiah Yogyakarta (UNISA), dan Universitas Islam Kalimantan (UNISKA).

Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) informed that internal reviewers from universities of clusters of Mandiri, Utama, and Madya may select research proposal autonomously in one condition that the reviewers have already been trained to possess similar perceptions. It aims to promote policy shift in a research program.

“Since last year, many regulations such as President Regulation, Minister Regulation, and guidelines have altered. Reviewers trained last year are still using the old regulations and guidelines so that this we suggest all higher education institutions to have the same perceptions on new regulations and guidelines,” declared Dr. Mustangimah M.Si., Sub-directorate Head of Research Quality Enhancement of Kemenristekdikti.

Mustangimah explained one of the changes, namely President Regulation (Pepres) No. 16/2018 on goods and service supply. The Pepres led to the emergence of Minister Regulation (Regulation of Ministry of Ristekdikti) No. 20/2018 on Research. The shift also occurred to Regulation of Ministry of Ristekdikti No.6/2018 on Operational Budget of State Higher Education (BOPTN) that 30 percent of the budget is allocated to defray research conducted by both state and private higher education institutions, while other expenses funded by government are mentioned on Regulation of Ministry of Ristekdikti No. 84/2018.

“A lot of new regulations were made to adjust research policy in state and private higher education institutions,” added Mustangimah.

Meanwhile, Head of the LP3M of UMY Dr. Ir. Gatot Supangkat, M.P. recommended all participants to improve their quality. Internal reviewers’ improvement will bear quality research and universities. “This program is a follow up of a catur dharma program. We expect that this program can foster the existence UMY in international levels,” he conveyed.

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