
FH PTM Dean Forum and Council of Law and Human Rights Muhammadiyah Plan the Establishment of LBH

Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) conducted Coordination Meeting of Advocacy and Legal Aid Organizations of Muhammadiyah Higher Organization at K.H. Ibrahim Building, Amphitheater room. This meeting was attended by various representatives of Consultation and Legal Aid Institute (LKBH), Center for Legal Aid and Consultation (PKBH), Council of Law and Human Rights of Muhammadiyah, and Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions (PTM). This coordination meeting was aimed to be the forerunner for the establishment of legal aid and advocacy institutes.

Dean of FH of UMY Dr. Trisno Raharjo, S.H., M.Hum. stated that this meeting had been  for deans of FH of PTM in Indonesia. “This forum was initially limited for deans, but these was a recommendation to coordinate with Council of Law and Human Rights of Muhammadiyah as both council and the forum have undertaken frequent activities since 2015 and will be continued till 2020. Indeed, the establishment of an institute that can provide legal aid, advocacy, and structural assistance for the people in need was a hope of the chairman of the council Busyro Muqoddas. We have given Muhammadiyah data of how many PTM own FH. It is accounted more than 30 institutions, either universities or academies, consenting to establish this organization,” he said.

The help given by the organization will include legal aid and compensation for victims. “The first scope is legal aid related to the provision of legal services. This help will be given to justice seekers in need without charge, prodeo. The second scope is compensation for the victims in law field, mainly done by providing compensation from the state to victims of criminal acts because the state fails to do its duty in protecting citizens from offences. We reflect on Siyono’s case handled by Muhammadiyah,” told Dr.Syaiful Bakhri, S.H, M.H, the chairman for Muhammadiyah Council of Law and Human Rights who also serves as Dean of FH in Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ).

Even though this legal aid was considered as humanitarian movement, in practice there are still obstacles in giving this help. “On law No.18 on Advocates, the provision of legal aid has not been clearly regulated. Consequently, advocates in a Legal Aid institute will work without being paid by government so that we need a law that specifically regulates the legal aid. Furthermore, there are cultural barriers as community has not yet been familiar with legal aid and legal fight,” contended Syaiful.

The plan to establish an organization giving legal aid was also an effort of Muhammadiyah to help the society. “This establishment of legal aid agency is the application from our understanding of surah Al-Ma’un. It was mentioned on the surah how we should help those who in need and poor. For us, those who have troubles with law need our hand,” he ended.