Ten doctors of batch 54 of Medical and Health Science Faculty (FKIK) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) had an Inauguration and Hippocratic Oath on Saturday (22/7) at OSCE Center of Muhammadiyah Hospital of Gamping, Yogyakarta. They were dr. Adi Respati, dr. Ayu Mareta Hamid, dr. Dedy Hartanto, dr. Harwidagdo Wahyu Aminjati, dr. Lareta Dewaningrum, dr. M. Pratama M.P, dr. Nur Vivi Indriyani, dr. Rizki Arista Yudatama, dr. Ruruh Rahwati Agustine, and dr. Yani Setiadi. The inauguration was attended by their parents, hospital partner representatives, and supervisors of community health center (Puskesmas).
Dean of FKIK Dr. dr. Wiwik Kusumawati, M.Kes. congratulated the ten doctors. “They went through phases. After taking a two-year profession program, they had Medical Student Exam (UKMPPD) as a national exit exam. The UKMPPD comprises of two tests, namely namely Computer Based Test (CBT) or theoretical exam, and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) or practicum exam. Indeed, they had to pass those two tests. Congratulations on your graduation and inauguration,” she stated.
dr. Wiwik advised that the doctors should uphold their oath. “Your path is still long so that you have to remember your oath. There is altruism on your oath so that a doctor should prioritize patients’ interests above other interests,” she emphasized. Additionally, dr. Wiwik told that a doctor should update her/his diagnostic and therapy knowledge since the development and innovation of health sciences are very rapid and in order that she/he can provide the best service for patients.
She expected that the new doctors could develop their career. “I wish you a better career than us. If you become a practitioner, you can take a specialist or sub specialist program, and if you are eager to be an academician, you have to pursue your doctoral degree or become a professor. Therefore, you can be beneficial to people by having your capability and knowledge,” declared dr. Wiwik.
Meanwhile, Head of Indonesia Doctor Association (IDI) of Yogyakarta dr. Joko Murdiyanto, Sp., An., MPH said that a doctor should uphold a code of ethics. “You must work based on the code of ethics that you have learned. A lot of cases assisted by the IDI were due to the incompetent doctors,” he mentioned.
Besides, Head of DIKTILITBANG of Muhammadiyah Dr. H. Chairil Anwar told that one of the Muhammadiyah is to provide specialist programs. “Specialist programs have only been offered by government. Muhamadiyah possesses dozens of medical faculties and the greatest hospitals in areas of Indonesia. Thus, Muhammadiyah had better specialist programs so that we can produce specialists as Muhammadiyah principles,” he proposed. In fact, FKIK of UMY itself has had 2,674 doctors across Indonesia.