
Dikti: Beware of Importers

Office of Research, Publication, and Community Service (LP3M) of Universitas Muhammdiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) always encourages lecturers and students of UMY to write and publish their writing on both national and international journals. To support them, the LP3M collaborating with Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) conducted ‘Promotion of Journal Accreditation Guidelines 2018’ at A.R. Fachruddin A on Saturday (27/10).

Head of Sub-directorate of Journal Facilitation of Kemenristekdikti Dr. Lukman, S.T., M.Hum. stated that many issues were found on journal publication such as modification of references, citation, plagiarism, and importers. “I have investigated that many lecturers and officials use importers to comply with their publication requirement,” he declared.

Lukman told that the importers are available in many cities and have their own payment rates. Indeed, most of them are unemployed students. “Lecturers and students using services of the importers must be ashamed since their research is undertaken by unemployed students,” he emphasized. The circumstance brings huge negative impacts on research and education in Indonesia.

Hence, Lukman advised that all university members beware of the importers. “Digital histories are difficult to delete and will embarrass you,” he stressed. Besides, Lukman invited journal mangers and university members to regard facilities provided by Kemenristekdikti such as SINTA, ARJUNA, GARUDA and RUJUKAN which are online systems to ease journal manager to flourish.

Additionally, Lukman congratulated UMY for having 29 journals that 8 of them are already accredited and the others are in a progress of accreditation. “I would like to appreciate UMU to maintain the achievement since we all know that maintaining is the hardest part,” expressed Lukman.

Responding Lukman, Head of the LP3M of UMY Dr. Ir. Gatot Supangkat, M.P. had high expectation toward lecturers and journal managers of UMY. “I wish that this event gives us enlightenment so that our journals could lead in a community service field,” he hoped.